snowman clay web

Products Used

  • Low-fire white clay (EM 100)
  • FN-004 Red
  • FN-002 Yellow
  • FN-041 Medium Blue
  • S-2702 Northern Lights
  • SG-302 Snowfall


  • Spirals Mat (MT-008)
  • Rib, Needle Tool
  • Water, Sponge
  • Rolling pin
  • Circle cutters or stencils
  • Snowflake Stencil (SL-438)
  • Brushes for glazing
  • Twine, ribbon or wire to hang
Designer: Kaitlyn Miller
Step by Step Photo Instructions: Download


  1. Handbuilding:

    1. Roll out a slab about 1/8” thick

    2. Compress slab on either side with rib

    3. Using stencil or circle cutters, trace 3 body of snowman that is 3 circles high and cut out shape

    4. Option to cut additional smaller circles and add texture to them by creating impressions with Spirals stamp mat

    5. Create facial features by rolling small balls of clay for eyes and mouth and a small cone for the nose

    6. Attach decorative circles and features by slipping and scoring pieces to your snowman slab

    7. Create holes to hang your snowman from by using the back of your needle tool or pencil to create the making for the hole and cut out with needle tool

    8. Smooth corners and edges with a sponge

    9. Lightly cover with plastic to dry slowly

    10. Once dried fully bisque fire to Cone 04


    1. Apply one thick layer of Snowfall (SG-302) with a soft bristled brush to areas of snowman where you would like the snow texture. You can apply snowfall with a stencil to create additional decorative elements

    2. Allow the Snowfall to dry

    3. Create your watercolor pallet by squirting out small amounts of designer liner

    4. Once snowfall is dry, begin to add color to your snowman by picking up small amounts of color with a wet brush, the more water you use the more translucent your colors will be

    5. Use less water when painting fine details such as the facial features

    6. Once dried fully fire to Cone 06


    1. Attach Twine, wire or ribbon to the hanging holes to allow your snowman plaque to hang on the wall

    2. Hang and enjoy