Pet Print Fundraiser

Most people treat their dogs and cats like part of the family. Some families have many pets and some are content to have only one animal in their home. We take lots of pictures of our furry friends and family together. We even talk to them as we would our own flesh and blood. What better way to remember our furry family members than to have their paw print embedded on a plaque, proudly presented on the wall of our homes for all to see and admire.

With this fundraiser you can organize a Paw Print Day and have the animal prints pressed into clay, then add his/her name with some embellishments. This can be done at your school, a retail pet center near you or even a veterinarian’s office.

What you will need:


  1. Have the plaques pre- rolled, cut and ready to go. You may want to place a wet paper towel on the clay to keep it moist and soft for when the paw print is pressed into it. Cut out circles and/or various shapes. The thickness of the clay should be at least 3/8” thick or more.
  2. Print the number of the receipt on the back of the clay for identification when the piece is complete.
  3. Press the animal paw print in the clay. The print can be in the center or near the outer edge, leaving an area for more design. (Make sure you are using the opposite side of where the identification number is.)
  4. Either color the wet clay with Stroke & Coat® or bisque fire and glaze.
  5. Add embellishments of hand built clay adornments or Add-ditions Bisque to the plaques.
  6. Using a straw, make two holes in the top of the plaque to hang.
  7. Place on rack to dry.
  8. When the piece is dry, fire to clay specifications. By using Stroke & Coat® you eliminate the need for a second firing. Add ribbon and arrange for pick up.


These plaques can be priced a number of ways:

Don’t forget when you are pricing these plaques to consider your cost for the clay, color, embellishments, ribbon, etc.