Small Change for a BIG Change

teddyI worked for McDonalds all through high school and college. Granted most people don’t find this their dream job but I learned good work ethics and business practices managing a million dollar operation. Just think, each McDonalds is a million dollar operation with an average product price of $1.50 (actually less back then.) Our average ticket price is about $25 hum……

A couple things stand out to me...

Suggestive Selling or Small Change for Big Change by Teddy Wright

Here are two things that stand out for me:

  1. Suggestive Selling
  2. QSC – Quality, Service and cleanliness. More on this another time, but it applies.

We had to suggestive sell on every order. I repeat HAD to suggestive sell. You’ve experienced this, “would you like to super size”? Would you like an apple pie with that or want any French fries? You are suggesting an item to the customer which may result in an impulse purchase or something they wanted but forgot to order or didn’t know about.

Translate to our world:

  1. This add-on palm tree would look so cute on the beach plate.
  2. You can now add a picture to the wedding plate for a truly personal gift.
  3. This is a going away gift? You can now have everyone sign the plate with this Pebeo pen and it’s only $5.
  4. Thank you for your pottery to go order! Do you need a writer tip bottle for lettering our outlining? You may find it easier than using a brush.
  5. The handprints will look great on the dinner plate. Did you see this platter? It has a great rim for writing the names and the hands will still fit in the center.
  6. Hi, first time here? Here’s a brochure that describes what we do and here’s a class schedule. You won’t want to miss Girlfriends night! It is the perfect excuse to get together with your friends, learn a technique and have fun. Sure you can bring in food and beverage. What’s a party without food? Would you like me to make a reservation for you? 7. Would you like a soda while you paint? It’s only .75 cents and I’ll add it to your bill.

Why suggestive sell?

  1. You are providing a service to the customer by bringing to their attention a product that will enhance their experience and project. Plus, they may not have known the product exists.
  2. You are increasing the average ticket price and improving your per customer profitability.
  3. It is easier and more cost effective to market to an existing customer than it is to get a new customer.

If they are in your store, they want your product. If you could increase business 10% without adding a product, class or increasing business hours would you try? I would!

Suggestive Selling Training

Your employees are the key to increasing sales through suggestive selling.

  1. Hold a training session and explain this is now required with every customer.
  2. Explain suggestive selling techniques and McDonalds is a perfect example. Have them give you examples of suggestive selling they have experienced.
  3. Role play suggestive selling.
  4. Reward the staff every time you hear them suggestive sell a product.
  5. Provide incentives for increased sales.
  6. Have an item of the month you want to sell.
    1. October – Halloween add on pieces
    2. November – Specialty glaze
    3. December – Ornaments – buy 3 & the 4th is free 
  7. Use a secret shopper to see if suggestive selling is occurring when you are not there.

With the holiday season fast approaching you won’t want to miss out on the additional revenue! During November and December people plan on spending money on gifts and will welcome suggestions and tips to make it very special. It doesn’t hurt to make a little more money while you are providing a service.