Business Development: Let's Talk Pricing, Part 3

teddyBusiness Development: Let's Talk Pricing, Part 3  -  by Teddy Wright, Education Director

Custom Work:
Customer #2: 
I love personal gifts, but have no creative skills at all. I can't paint a stick figure.

Everyone is always looking for a unique gift, so why not do custom work for your customers? Personalization is highly valued, but some people do not like to make the gift themselves. This is a wonderful target market because they will pay you for your time and service.

Here are several ways to offer custom work:

The point of custom work is to appeal to the customer that always wants it done for them. We love the crafters and hobbyists, but the money from the “Do It For Me” group is just as green and spends the same. You may as well be the one to make the sale.

Stay tuned next month where we will be discussing: Pre-Schools and Schools.