Crooked Tree Vase


Products Used

  • MB-1391 Medium Flat Bottle
  • CG-795 Yadro Print
  • EL-121 Copper Adventurine
  • FN-214 Pastel Jade
  • FN-215 Aztec Jade
  • SA-002 Black
  • SC-15 Tuxedo
  • S-2101 Clear

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-106 #6 Script Liner
  • CB-110 #10/0 Mini Liner
  • CB-604 #4 Soft Fan
  • BT-910 Synthetic Sponge
  • AC-230 Clay Carbon Paper

Miscellaneous Accessories

304.Crooked Tree Vase
Designer: Marcia Roullard


  1. Begin with a properly fired shelf cone 04 Bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust making sure not to over saturate the bisque.
  2. Roll glaze in the inside of the vase with thinned S-2101 Clear. Mix one cap full of water to a 4 oz. bottle or 3 parts glaze to one part water. Mix and pour into the vase, turn to coat, invert and drain out the excess glaze. Remove the glaze from the inside neck of the vase with a damp sponge. Leave inverted a few minutes to prevent excess glaze pooling in the bottom and potential crawling.
  3. Using AC-230 Clay Carbon Paper, trace on the pattern of the tree. Test to make sure the transfer side is down.
  4. On bisque, outline the pattern with SA-002 Black Accent.
  5. Using the CB-110 Liner and the CB-106 Script Liner, puddle one coat of CG-795 Yadro Print to the tree (let the Black Accent act as a dam for the glaze, make sure to use lots of crystals. 
  6. Using the CB-110 Liner and the CB-106 Script liner puddle one coat of EL-121 Copper Aventurine to the tree.
  7. With the SA-002 Black dot the background around the tree and outline the edge of the vase with crooked lines. 
  8. When dry, puddle one heavy coat of FN-214 Pastel Jade around the tree branches. As it dries, if you still see the bisque apply another puddle coat. Using the CB-604 Soft Fan Brush apply three coats of FN-214 Pastel Jade on the large background areas and border of the vase. 
  9. Using the CB-604 Soft Fan brush the sides of the vase and the outside of the neck of the vase with two coats of SC-15 Tuxedo. 
  10. Using the CB-604 Soft Fan Brush apply two coats of FN-215 Aztec Jade over the SC-15 Tuxedo area of the vase.
  11. Brush the inside neck with three coats of FN-215 Aztec Jade.
  12. Fire to cone 05/06.