Nuka Cola Bottle Cap


Products Used

  • MB-1366 Bottle Cap
  • AC-502 Matte Sealer
  • SS-81 Shimmering Silver
  • SS-135 White
  • SS-176 Christmas Red
  • SS-179 Antique Red
  • SS-211 Orange Rust
  • MM-106 Steel Metallic
  • MM-305 Rapid Rust

Decorating Accessories

  • SL-445 Kaleidoscope Stencil
  • AB-834 Basecoat Brush
  • CB-106 #6 Script Liner
  • CB-110 #10/0 Liner
  • MM-502 Matte Brush-On Sealer
  • MM-600 Spritzer Caps

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Old, soft paintbrush
  • 2" Foam Roller
  • Saral Transfer Paper
  • Pattern: Download


569 nuka cap
Designer: Marcia Roullard




1. Remove dust with a damp sponge from 04 bisque.

2. Use the CB-834 Baseooat Brush to apply two coats of a mix of SS-179 Antique Red and SS-176 Christmas Red to the bottle cap.

3. Place the SL-445 Kaleidoscope Stencil on the top of the bottle cap.  Use the foam roller to gently roll SS-211 Orange Rust onto the piece. Use light pressure to keep the application light and to keep the color from bleeding under the stendil.

4. Use the Saral Transfer Paper to trace the pattern onto the piece.

5.  Use the CB-106 #6 Script Liner and CB-110 #10/0 Liner to apply two coats of SS-135 White to the lettering.

6.  Use the Liner with SS-81 Shimmering Silver to outline the letters.

7.  Pour the contents of a jar of MM-106 Steel Metallic into a separate container and mix thoroughly.  Use the old, soft brush apply a thick coat of Steel Metallic around the edge of the bottle cap letting it drip off the cap. Apply some of this color to the top around the edges.

8.  Spray SS-305 Rapid Rust over the Steel Metallic. It is important that you spray immediatly while the Steel Metallic is wet., Spray until the area is very wet and drippy. This can also be applied with a brush over the top to thin the rust. 

9.  You will start seeing a reation within ten minutes. For a full rust effect let the design sit overnight.

10. Apply two thin coats of MM-502 Matte Sealer if desired.  
