Crystal Alligator Bank


Products Used

  • MB-1454 Roly-Poly Alligator Bank
  • CG-717 Pistachio, CG-795 Yadro Print, SC-16 Cotton Tail, SC-15 Tuxedo, SC-26 Green Thumb, SG-401 Black

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-110 Liner, CB-604 Soft Fan, BT-910 Synthetic Sponge



415.Crystal Alligator
Designer: Marcia Roullard


  1. Remove dust with a damp sponge on 04 bisque.
  2. Use SG-401 Black Designer Liner to outline the lines on the back, the mouth line and around the teeth of the alligator.
  3. Use CB-604 Soft fan, brush two coats of CG-717 Pistachio over the body of the alligator, omit the belly and the lower mouth.  Make sure to stir the crystals into the glaze.
  4. Brush two coats of CG-795 Yadro Print to the remaining sections of the alligator, overlay the Pistachio.
  5. Clean off the excess glaze from the eyes and teeth. Brush two coats of SC-16 Cotton Tail to the eyes, and teeth.
  6. Brush the iris with two thinned coats of SC-26 Green Thumb and the pupil with SC-15 Tuxedo, outline the eye with SC-15 Tuxedo, use CB-110 Liner.
  7. Fire to cone 06.