Ornamental Norse Blue Vase


sw166 sg402 redclay

Products Used

  • LWC 436 Red B-mix clay

  • SW-166 Norse Blue 

  • SG-402 White Designer Liner 

  • SW-001 Stoneware Clear or SD-001 Stoneware Clear Dry

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-604 #4 Soft Fan

Designer: Carmen Allen 


1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.

2. Roll the inside of the vase with SW-001 Stoneware Clear. We recommend using the dipping version of this glaze (SD-001) or measure out some SW-001 Brushing Clear Glaze and add some water (about 1 part water to 2 parts glaze) until it is the consistency of heavy cream.

3. Use a banding wheel and a pencil to mark bands around the top of the vase and use SG-402 White Designer Liner to add details.

4. Apply 3 coats of SW-166 Norse Blue to the top and bottom sections of the vase.

5. Be sure to wipe the bottom of the piece so the foot is dry.

6. Let dry completely.

7. Fire to shelf cone 6.