Ben's Bells Project - Kindness Matters

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Ben’s Bells is an Arizona-based organization that seeks to educate people on the impact of intentional kindness and inspire and motivate them to spread kindness in their communities.  The organization began after Jeannette Maré and her family experienced the loss of two-year-old son, Ben.

If you have lost a loved one, you know that nothing can take away the sadness that you feel. However, the kindness and love that others extend to you often helps keep you moving in life as you go through the grieving and healing process.

While you will see videos on social media that show people giving to others financially and physically helping others, the volunteers at Ben’s Bells seek to help their community grow mentally and socially through kindness. They are also intended to honor Ben and his life.

Ben’s Bells are ceramic wind chimes that are handmade by people that visit one of their four studios in Tucson, Phoenix and Connecticut. Instead of selling the bells online, the bells are hung randomly in the communities so they can be found by others. Each bell includes a note about the project which states, “You have found a Ben’s Bell. Take it home, hang it and remember to spread kindness.” The organization’s website includes stories from people who have found the bells and are often as inspirational as the bells themselves.

Each Bens’ Bell consists of colorful clay beads, a Ben’s Bells flower and a single bell. The variety of colors and shapes represents the diversity of the people that help create each bell. The beads and flowers that make up each bell are painted with Mayco Stroke & Coat. In addition to providing color at a special rate, Mayco staff artists share their talents by donating decorated ceramics for auctions that benefit Ben’s Bells. “We love being part of such a unique organization and appreciate their mission to spread intentional kindness,” said Mayco CEO Colleen Carey Brennan.

You can get involved by creating your own kindness event with the help of one of their Kind Ed Kits, through the #bekindchallenge2 or by working with area schools to create a Kind Campus. We invite you to visit the Ben’s Bells Project website for information on the project and how you can be involved.

Bens Bells
